'The Abundance of Light' Oil on Canvas, 91.5 x 61 cm, 2012
In the
painting the landscape is windswept and formidable with mountains behind the
figure suggesting challenges that are yet to be overcome. The figure itself is
inspired by gothic architecture suggesting the body as a tangible home for the
soul. The darkness within can be seen as the night which must be overcome. Huge
wings brushed by some ethereal wind are those of the Phoenix a symbol of
redemption. The bird held by the figure represents the freedom of the soul and
its capacity to soar to ever greater heights.
I came
across Theo Williams poem ‘The Abundance of Light’ and it so beautifully
encapsulated my thinking that I decided to name the painting after it. Both the
painting and the poem talk about overcoming the darkness which sometimes can
seem overwhelming in life. It talks of good deeds letting the light into life
and is a message of hope and renewal.
Abundance Of Light
Twilight befalls - Simmer of sun Dulled phoenix spreads its wings Flying orange, yellow amid the sky "Beauteous light! " - Innards cry.
None grace shan't bequeath nigh.
A moon with purity a ray That shines so vast No darkness overtake a day Nor into e'er gloom is cast.
‘Tis plentiful for an evil cannot last.
If a bird sing in line with light Then hath the cage be unlocked For thy bird holds the rod of right And for within only a day no night.
One hath thyself expelled all dim plights.
Simple as sun who shine in a rain Thus no sadness to conquer that drop Brightness exorcises all thy pain As wondrous as a sky's backdrop.
For a year and a year light is a many can tame.
Whence a deed is past one another A rainbow of gold doeth appear For if thy love each sister and brother Thou art hath light in core of the sphere.
For if the bird sings of good - day does wake from here.
When thou awaken to a stretching sun Who shines its glimmer so ever bright None blackness - Inner day overcomes night For this is the abundance of light.
For this is the abundance of light.
Theo Williams